Category Archives: Home

Welcome to LBKA

Welcome to the web site of the Liverpool and Merseyside Beekeepers Association (LBKA).
We are amateur beekeepers in the Merseyside area and are affiliated to the BBKA (British Beekeeping Association).

We normally hold monthly meetings, open to LBKA and BBKA members, with talks on various aspects of beekeeping.

For more information or to become a member, use the Contact Us page to send a message and your contact details.

Have you seen a Yellow-legged hornet? 

These 2-3cm hornets (previously known as an Asian hornet) are not native to the UK. They are aggressive and hunt for honey bees as well as other pollinators. If they become established, they will pose a threat to our native insect population. Please be vigilant and report any sightings.

Report sightings

If you think you have seen an yellow-legged hornet, report it using the free Asian Hornet Watch App (Android and iPhone), on the online notification form or by emailing Please include your contact details. For more information on how to report sightings, visit the National Bee Unit web page: So you think you’ve seen a yellow-legged hornet.